We first met Don Isidro in 2017 while exploring the pueblos and vinatas (distilleries) of Michoacán. A new friend in Patzcuaro had suggested making a trip to Río de Parras, and Isidro’s home was the first place we stopped when we got there. He had two batches on hand, an alto and an alto pechuga made with trout from nearby Lake Cuitzeo. Both were incredibly good, and unlike anything we’d tasted before. The alto was super clean, light, and mineral-driven with a touch of fruit, and the fish pechuga was surprisingly more delicious and less weird than expected. The October 2019 batch of alto is the first time Isidro’s work has come to the US commercially, and we’ve still got some trout pechuga around the office for special events.
THE BASICS (March, 2020)
How old are you, and how long have you been making mezcal?
Isidro: I’m about to turn 55 in May. I’ve been making mezcal for about 36 years, starting when I was 19.
How many generations has you family been producing mezcal?
Isidro: I am the first generation. My son is the second.
How many years has your family been using your vinata?
Isidro: We built our vinata 5 years ago. Before that, we shared with the town.
What is the key to making great mezcal?
Isidro: The plants are important - for five years, we’ve been working exclusively with inaequidens (alto). To make excellent mezcal is to have a lot of care at every step, paying attention to every last detail.
What should the world know about Río de Parras?
Isidro: My town is 100% mezcalero.
Distilling Season(s): October-June
Woods Used in Oven: encino (Quercus sp.)
Oven Size: 7 tons
Cook Time: 8 Days
Rest between Oven and Mill: none
Mill Type: hand in eucalyptus “canoas”
Fermentation vessel: open air tepetate stone casos (pits)
Water Source: spring
Fermentation Time: 8-10 Days
Still Type: Two copper/oyamel fir (Abies religiosa) filipino stills (500 liters)
Distillations: 2
Adjustment: flores & colas