The village of Yogana is located at the southern end of the Ejutla district of Oaxaca. Like all of his neighbors, Félix is a full-time farmer. Unlike many of his neighbors, Félix is also a part-time mezcalero, working with several species of agave that he plants between rows of seasonal crops, and distills on equipment unique to Ejutla that allow his spirits can reach proof in a single pass. We first met Félix, when we stopped at his wife’s store, and he offered us a pour of espadín he had in an old olive oil bottle.
THE BASICS (March, 2020)
How old are you, and how long have you been making mezcal?
Félix: I’m 47 now, and I was 17 when I made my first batch.
How many generations has you family been producing mezcal?
Félix: The first was my father, and now me.
How many years has your family been using your palenque?
Félix: I built the palenque that we use 25 years ago.
Do you have a philosophy on how great mezcal should be made?
Félix: We don’t make very many liters, so it’s important to take make them all as well as we can. I try to think about the quality during the entire process.
Distilling Season(s): October-May
Woods Used in Oven: Encino (Quercus sp.), Guaje (Leucaena spp.), Guamuche (Pithecellobium dulce)
Oven Size: 9 tons
Cook Time: 3 Days
Rest between Oven and Mill: 5 Days
Mill Type: Ox drawn tahona
Fermentation vessel: Open air sabino (Taxodium mucronatum) tinas
Water Source: Well
Fermentation Time: 3-5 Days
Still Type: Copper Alambiques (400 liters) with refrescadera
Refrescadera: Cooling water circulates during distillation. The montera has two plates to increase reflux.
Distillations: 1